Empowering Our Community



United Way works to end America’s education crisis

Education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. But with more than 1.2 million children dropping out each year, America faces an education crisis. The cost? More than $312 billion in lost wages, taxes and productivity over their lifetimes.1 These trends are reversible, but only when communities and public, private and nonprofit sectors work together.

Our Goal

For all persons in each county we serve to have access to educational opportunities that are equitable.

Our Strategy

We can’t focus on high school alone. High school dropouts are 12 years in the making, usually starting early childhood education behind schedule. United Way’s model focuses on supportive communities, effective schools, and strong families — strategies and approaches rooted in research. Tackling the education challenge requires reframing education on a birth to 21-continuum.

What We’re Doing

We understand that learning doesn’t just happen at school. We are committed to our youth through funding programs such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Companions for Children, which provide mentoring programs for children, and YMCA and Full STEAM Ahead youth programs.

In order to learn, kids need safe and healthy environments. That’s why we’re also committed to programs like Path ND, Inc. which are committed to the safety, well-being, and permanency of children, Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center provides assistance to children and families who have been victims of child abuse, and the Village Family Service Center which provides mental health services for families.

But it’s not just kids who can learn or who need help. We are also proud to support the Minot Literacy Volunteers who are committed to providing free resources and education for adults working to acquire and improve their reading, comprehension, and writing skills.

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

The Souris Valley United Way wants to make sure kids come to school excited and ready to learn. By partnering with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, the SVUW is working to make sure kids 0 – 5 in our community receive a new book each month, ending with one to send them off to school. Research has shown that reading to kids and early literacy are important indicators for future success. 

How You Can Help

To reach our goal, we need your help. The strategies proven to work are those that connect communities to their schools: parent involvement; literacy volunteers in the classroom; mentors for disadvantaged students; business leaders engaged in early childhood advocacy. Volunteer to help.

Our Services

Imagination Library

The Imagination Library program is helping deliver new, age-appropriate books to children in our area.

Backpack Buddies

The program provides food for school children who might not otherwise have food over the weekend.

Magic City Blessings Bank

We provide personal care items to individuals in the greater community of Minot.

Wheels for Work

Minot Automotive accepts donated vehicles into the program to be given a safety inspection and repaired to donate to a family needing a vehicle.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Take action today and join Souris Valley United Way in our mission to support education, income, and financial stability in our community. Sign up for our programs, volunteer your time, or take advantage of our special offers to contribute to a brighter future for everyone.